Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tonight, we begin our acting class......

Because I have very little theatrical talent and am not good looking enough to be a movie start that would grace the halls of the Actor's Studio, here are my responses to the questionnaire by the great Bernard Pivot.

What's your favorite word?

What's your least favorite word?

What's your favorite sound?
My girlfriend laughing.

What's your least favorite sound?
A dump truck or any kind of truck, really, down-shifting.

What turns you on?
An interesting problem to solve.

What turns you off?
People who think they are smarter than they really are.

What's your favorite curse word?

What profession would you like to try?
Politician or someone involved in foreign policy.

What profession would you not like to try?
Anything involving singing, acting, etc.

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear St. Peter say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
We looked at your rap sheet, but we'll let you in anyway.

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