Friday, January 19, 2007

A Work-Related Rant

I'm SICK of the options available for preparing a good paper and their associated citations. I'd LOVE to use OpenOffice Writer; I like the system and they have a good formula-writer, which is something I need for a lot of the semantics work I'm doing. Unfortunately, their ability to support citations SUCKS! The other alternative is to use LaTeX and BibTeX together but all of my reference information has been stored in EndNote and to get a BibTeX library together will require me to gather more information about the references, come up with my own labels AND, after that, have to maintain 2 different libraries. JabRef seems like a good tool for maintaining BibTeX entries but I have well over 100 references I'd need to hand label to use in a LaTeX document. EndNote is where all of my materials are at the moment but GRRRRR! I hate Microsoft Word. It tries to be "helpful" and format all of my writing. I'm just going to have to suck it up until the Bibliographic extension is finished. I guess Mick was right--you really can't always get what you want.

Anyone that has a suggestion out there in the blogsphere PLEASE let me know.

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